If you suffer from 'winter dry eyes', your eyes may begin to feel irritated, sore, watery and gritty, and you may even feel like you have something stuck in your eye.
Scleral lenses may be just what you need!
The harsh winds outside and dry heat inside can make your eyes feel uncomfortable all day— all season long!
Dry eye can significantly affect your daily performance and even put a damper on your mood.
Fortunately, scleral lenses have been proven to reduce dry eye symptoms and promote healing for long lasting dry eye relief!
These customized lenses are specially designed to sit on the white part of your eyes (sclera) and hold saline or medicated eye drops over your cornea throughout the day.
This all day moisturizing effect can reduce your dry eye symptoms and help you see clearly and comfortably this winter.
Want to know if scleral lenses are right for you?
Contact Cornea and Contact Lens Institute of Minnesota today!